The Voices of Arcadia: cissy jones as vivian walton

American Arcadia is coming to Steam on November 15th!

As we unveil in the last post, to celebrate it, we are starting a series of videos to present The Voices of Arcadia, starring the amazing voice actors who have helped us to breathe life into our characters.

Cissy Jones starred in Out of the Blue's critically acclaimed previous game, Call of the Sea, and returns to voice the vivacious Vivian Walton in American Arcadia. Here she discusses her character and her work on American Arcadia.

Present yourself and the character you voice.

Hi! I'm Cissy Jones and I play Vivian Walton.

How did you end up voicing Vivian, and what do you like about her?

I think he's so different from a lot of the characters that I get to play, and I love the Out of the Blue team.

I know that they write really fun characters, so I knew this was going to be a good time, and I'm so excited for people to meet her. She's kind of the de facto mayor of American Arcadia. She's larger than life, she maintains order but she's also a little bit spicy.

She's not afraid to call people out on their stuff and, she's kind of funny. She also engages the audience and keeps, people laughing and keeps people interested, and she knows what it takes to sell a good product.

When she's in front of the camera she's all glitz and glamour, she is starring, and she knows how to keep people engaged. And when the cameras are off, she can be a little ruthless. Like I said, she maintains order, and she knows how to get what she wants, and she knows how to get it done.

What’s Arcadia to Vivian?

Arcadia to her is… it's not only where she's built her career, it's where she's

building her legacy.

And, for her, this is something that's really important, she wants to leave something of value. Something that's worth a lot to people and so she works really hard to make this thing… the best it can be with the most interesting people. And… you know Trevor doesn't really fit that mold. He's a… he’s a better than L7.

What do you like more about her?

I think Vivian's going to surprise people in ways that they never saw coming.

I'm so excited for people to meet her and I'm so excited for people to get to play this game and go on this journey with us. It's going to be a good time!

Out of the Blue


The Voices of Arcadia: KRIZIA BAJOS as ANGELA SOLANO


The Voices of Arcadia: Yuri Lowenthal as Trevor Hills